Multiple Year Guarantees For 9/30/2024
Company Product
1st. Yr. Year 2+ Comm Net Yield
American National MYG A 3 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 1.50% 4.55%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 3 Years 4.50%* 4.50%* 1.00% 4.50%*
F&G Platinum MYGA A- 3 Years 4.60% 4.60% 1.50% 4.60%
Global Atlantic SecureFore A 3 Years 4.65%* 4.65%* 1.80% 4.65%*
North American Guarantee Plus A+ 3 years 4.35%* 4.35%* 1.50% 4.35%*
Oceanview Harbourview A 3 Years 4.70%# 4.70%# 1.50% 4.70%#
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 3 Years 4.50% 4.50% 1.50% 4.50%
Royal Neighbors MYG 3 A- 3 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 1.75% 4.75%*
Securian Secure Option Ch. A+ 3 Years 4.05%* 4.05%* 1.50% 4.05%*
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^ B++ 3 Years 5.60% 5.60% 1.50% 5.60%
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^^ B++ 3 Years 5.30% 5.30% 1,50% 5.30%
The Standard FGA 3 A 3 Years 4.15%* 4.15%* 1.50% 4.15%*
Symetra Select Max A 3 Years 3.75%* 3.75%* 1.50% 3.75%*
American General American Pathway A 4 Years 4.40%* 4.40%* 1.50% 4.40%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 4 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 1.75% 4.55%*
Integrity Multivantage A+ 4 Years 4.60% 3.60% 2.00% 3.65%
Oceanview Harbourview A 4 Years 4.80%# 4.80%# 1.00% 4.80%#
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 4 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.00% 4.50%
American General American Pathway A 5 Years 4.40%* 4.40%* 1.50% 4.40%*
American National MYG A 5 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 2.50% 4.75%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 5 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 2.50% 4.55%*
Fidelity & Guarantee Guar. Platinum A- 5 Years 4.80% 4.80% 2.00% 4.80%
Global Atlantic SecureFore A 5 Years 4.65%* 4.65%* 2.50% 4.65%*
Integrity MultiVantage A+ 5 years 4.60% 3.60% 2.50% 3.80%
North American Guarantee Plus A+ 5 years 4.55%* 4.55%* 2.00% 455%*
Oceanview Harbourview A 5 Years 4.55%# 4.55%# 2.25% 4.55%#
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 5 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.25% 5.50%
Reliance Standard Guarantee A++ 5 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.50% 4.50%
Royal Neighbors MYG 5 A- 5 Years 4.65%* 4.65%* 2.00% 4.65%*
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^ B++ 5 Years 5.55% 5.55% 2.25% 5.55%
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^^ B++ 5 Years 5.25% 5.25% 2.25% 5.25%
Securian Secure Option Ch. A+ 5 Years 4.15%* 4.15%* 2.50% 4.15%*
The Standard FGA 5* A 5 Years 4.60%* 4.60%* 2.00% 4.60%*
Symetra Select Max A 5 Years 4.50%* 4.50%* 2.50% 4.50%*
American General American Pathway A 6 Years 4.40%* 4.40%* 2.00% 4.40%*
American National MYG A 6 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 2.50% 4.75%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 6 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 2.50%* 4.55%*
Oceanview Harbourview A 6 Years 4.90# 4.90%# 1.00% 4.90%#
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 6 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.35% 4.50%
American General American Pathway A 7 Years 4.40%* 4.40%* 2.00% 4.40%*
American National Palladium MYG A 7 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 2.50% 4.75%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 7 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 2.50% 4.55%*
Fidelity & Guarantee Guar. Platinum A- 7 Years 4.80% 4.80% 2.75% 4.80%
Global Atlantic SecureFore A 7 Years 4.65%* 4.65%* 3.00% 4.65%*
Integrity MultiVantage A+ 7 Years 4.55% 3.55% 3.00% 3.69%
North American Guarantee Plus A+ 7 years 4.65%* 4.65%* 2.50% 4.65%*
Oceanview Harbourview A 7 Years 4.70%# 4.70%# 2.75% 4.70%#
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 7 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.45% 4.50%
Reliance Standard Guarantee A++ 7 Years 4.50% 4.50% 3.50% 4.50%
Securian Secure Option A+ 7 Years 4.30%* 4.30%* 2.25% 4.30%*
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^ B+ 7 Years 5.40% 5.40% 2.25% 5.40%
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^^ B++ 7 Years 5.10% 5.10% 2.25% 5.10%
The Standard FGA 7 A 7 Years 4.65%* 4.65%* 2.00% 4.65%*
Symetra Select Max A 7 Years 4.65%* 4.65%* 3.25% 4.65%*
American National MYG A 8 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 2.50% 4.75%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 8 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 2.50% 4.55%*
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 8 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.45% 4.50%
American National MYG A 9 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 2.50% 4.75%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 9 Years 4.55% 4.55%* 2.50% 4.55%*
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 9 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.45% 4.50%
Securian Secure Option Ch. A+ 9 Years 4.05%* 4.40%* 2.35% 4.40%*
American General American Pathway A 10 Years 4.40%* 4.40%* 2.00% 4.40%*
American National MYG A 10 Years 4.75%* 4.75%* 2.75% 4.75%*
Clear Spring Preserve MYG A- 10 Years 4.55%* 4.55%* 3.00% 4.55%*
Integrity MultiVantage A+ 10 Years 4.70% 3.70% 1.75% 3.80%
Oceanview Harbourview A 10 Years 4.85%# 4.85%# 2.75% 4.85%#
Pacific Guardian Diamond Head A 10 Years 4.50% 4.50% 2.75% 4.50%
Reliance Standard Guarantee A+ 10 Years 4.30% 4.30% 3.00% 4.30%
Royal Neighbors MYG 10 A- 10 Years 4.60%* 4.60%* 2.00% 4.60%*
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^ B++ 10 Years 5.25% 5.25% 2.75% 5.25%
Sentinel Security Personal Choice^^ B++ 10 Years 4.75% 4.75% 2.75% 4.75%
The Standard FGA 10* A 10 Years 4.35%* 4.35%* 3.00% 4.35%*
^Not Available in MN ^^MN Rates *Premium Over 100k ** Premiums over 250k #Premium $80,000+
Note: All annuity products are not approved in all states - call for approvals. Companies may require minimum deposits to achieve the noted interest rate. Most products have a commission reduction at older ages
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Please call for current immediate rates as they are subject to change.

Contact Eric Fromm - 952-988-8470

0r Tom Prideaux - 952-988-8465

952-933-1414 800-328-3993

This information is for the private use of Prideaux Group agents and cannot be used for solicitation or any other commercial purpose. For agent use only. Not for use with the general public.